Young Leaders in Cricket – come and get involved

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February 22, 2024 |

The message is clear to all Clubs in Cambridgeshire, we want as many of your Young People who are in School Years 9 to 11 to get involved in our Young Leaders in Cricket programme for 2024. As following the success of last years programme we have a vision that 2024’s will be bigger and better.
Some clubs have, though, forgotten what Young Leaders in Cricket is all about and how it can benefit both the Young People in their Clubs and the Clubs themselves. So in a short few paragraphs here we go:

  •  Young Leaders in Cricket is a practical education programme that encourages young people who love cricket to learn skills and can use back at their clubs or in their local community as volunteers.
  • Our participants will take part in a number of modules, which include Young Activators, Young Officials, 1st Aid, Grounds and Environment, Mental Resilience and Fundraising held either on a face-to-face or online basis. This year we hope to be adding a Disability Cricket modules. Also YLiC run a number of other modules and workshops which will further help our Young People through their programme.
  • There is a fundraising element, where our Young People raise money to get themselves through the programme and in return for receiving the modules and the training we ask the young person to give back a minimum of 20 hours volunteering into their Cricket Club or Local Community.
    Last year, in Cambridgeshire, the participants, on top of their entry level fundraise, raised over £1300; with charities and club projects benefitting. Also over 360 hours volunteering was given by our Young People.
  • Young Leaders in Cricket run and co-ordinate the programme, and are a Community Interest Company and run on a not-for- profit basis. The Cambridgeshire Cricket Board are their local partner and we provide human resource and support in running the modules and support to both the Young People and the Clubs when they need it.
  • The Young Leaders leave the programme at a Graduation event held later in the year. The participants leave with skills that will benefit them for years to come not only in their volunteering but in their professional careers as well.
  • By becoming accredited Young Activators and Young Officials the Young People can use their volunteering helping your clubs junior training or in officiating games for your younger age groups, as well as being able to help around the ground, helping maintain their club facilities, particularly useful during the ECB “Get Set” weekend.

We hope every club will be able to produce at least one young person in School Year 9 to 11 to get involved, as todays young people are the future of both our game and our clubs.

To find out even more Club Officials, Parents and of course Young People are invited to our Enthuse Evening which takes place on Wednesday 28th February, starting at 7pm at the Cambridgeshire FA Headquarters, Bridge Road, Impington, CB24 9PH.

If you have any questions or would like to confirm your attendance please contact

We look forward to meeting our new crop of Young Leaders.

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Our next ECB Umpiring Course is on Sun 6th April at – Comberton Village College, Cambs, starting at 10am until 4.30pm.

The course is open to anyone who wishes to start umpiring. Post course you will receive support that matches your ambition.

To book:

ECB Level 2 Scoring Course at Bury St Edmunds CC, IP33 2BT on Sun 9th Feb starting at 9:30 am until 4:00pm.

You know how to score, so take your skills to the next level as a Level 2 to help you widen your horizons. To book your place use this link -

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